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AutorenbildMarc Remus

Spanish version of "Magora" out now!

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The Spanish version of the first book of the Magora series "The Gallery of Wonders" is now out.

LA GALERÍA DE LAS MARAVILLAS is the first of my books that comes out in Spanish.

Mexican translator Erika Grediaga spent months working together with me on this version. My Spanish is good enough to read books. So I read her translation and worked with her on parts that I didn't feel reflected my voice. This way we created a version that is not only a reflection of Erika's excellent skills but also a representation as I wanted it to be.

When translating into Spanish you always encounter the issue of the market you want to address. Writing for Spain is differently than writing for Argentina or Mexico. We adjusted the book in a way that it is written in a Latin American Spanish that is comprehensible across all of Latin America and still be understood well in Spain.

I had 5 proofreaders from Spain, Argentina, Peru and Columbia to guarantee that the book is written in a form that kids everywhere understand it.


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